Monday, March 5, 2007

... and keeping track of it

If you want to keep track of what's happening on a blog,
look for this icon.

if you have a browser like Firefox,
click on Bookmarks > Subscribe to this page and
select the name of the blog.

Or use a special news aggregator like NetNewsWire,
and drag the icon onto its sidebar.

This will subscribe you to the blog (or podcast) and by clicking
on the blog's name you will see a list of it's recent posts and a summary.

In doing this you have subscribed to a web feed using a process
called RSS (Really Simple Syndication).

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English with the Finglies

The web site for my CD-ROM designed for primary children learning English

The British Council in Bilbao

The web site gives you information, amongst other things, about our Talks for teachers